Heartburn Specialist > Treatment Options > LINX® System

LINX® System TLC Houston's Heartburn Center

People suffering from GERD symptoms have medication options available to them. However, over time many patients experience a loss of efficacy in medication, and medications that used to control their symptoms no longer work well. In these cases, a surgical solution can be the best option to provide relief from painful and damaging symptoms. The LINX® system for GERD surgery is less invasive and more effective than traditional procedures.1

How Does LINX Work?

LINX is a minimally invasive and effective treatment for Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, or GERD.1 The LINX system works by utilizing a ring of flexible magnets that opens when food or liquids are swallowed and closes once the food and liquid move safely through the LES and into the stomach. Instead of attempting to treat GERD symptoms with medications that are often ineffective, the LINX System addresses the cause of GERD by preventing reflux. TLC Surgery’s team of experienced surgeons and professional staff are dedicated to helping those suffering from chronic acid reflux or GERD. Get your life back on track and stop suffering from the often debilitating symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease today.

The Benefits of LINX

85% of patients were able to remain free from GERD medication dependence.2

99% of patients reported a complete elimination of bothersome regurgitation.3

Heartburn was reduced from 89% at baseline to 11.9%.

Overall improved quality of life.4

Am I a Candidate for LINX?

If you are suffering from chronic heartburn, acid reflux disease, or have been diagnosed with GERD you may be a candidate for LINX. Our team of dedicated specialists will help you determine whether or not the LINX System is right for you.


1. No device erosions, migrations, or malfunctions occurred in this study. Device removal occurred in 7 patients. Bothersome heartburn decreased to 11.9% at 5 years from 89% (p<0.001 and bothersome regurgitation decreased to 1.2% at 5 years from 57% (p<0.001). (n=100)

2. Ganz R. Edmundowicz S, Taiganides P, et al. Long-term Outcomes of Patients Receiving a Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation Device for Gastroesophageal Reflux. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016. 14(5):671-7. Based on a study observing 100 patients who were implanted with LINX, daily use of PPIs decreased to 15.3% at 5 years. (p<0.001)

3. Ganz R. Edmundowicz S, Taiganides P, et al. Long-term Outcomes of Patients Receiving a Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation Device for Gastroesophageal Reflux. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016. 14(5):671-7. Based on a 5 year prospective, multi-center, single-arm study observing 100 patients who were implanted with LINX, regurgitation was 57% at baseline and decreased to 1.2% at 5 years. (p<0.001)

4. Ganz R. Edmundowicz S, Taiganides P, et al. Long-term Outcomes of Patients Receiving a Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation Device for Gastroesophageal Reflux. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2016. 14(5):671-7. Based on a 5 year prospective, multi-center, single-arm study observing 100 patients who were implanted with LINX, there was a significant improvement in the median GERD-HRQL score at 5 years, as compared with baseline, both with and without PPI use, 4 vs 11 and 27 respectively (p<0.001).

Schedule Your Consultation

For more information regarding the LINX System, call us at (713) 493-7700 or click here to schedule a consultation with one of our GERD specialists. We are dedicated to helping you find a solution to the pain and suffering often caused by chronic acid reflux.